Permits and Station Access | Metro Trains

Permits and Station Access

Ensuring safety at railway stations

Railway stations are popular places for activities that connect the community to the railway and bring the surrounds to life.
To access a station or its surrounds, you may need a permit. Safety is our number one priority at Metro, and permit requests are assessed thoroughly.

It’s essential that you submit a permit application as far in advance as possible, including detailed information and the necessary documentation.

Granting permits enables us to uphold the safety of our passengers, employees, third parties, and the public, while minimising operational and safety risks.

Station activity that does not require a permit

We allow individuals ‘passing through’ stations to take photographs or film for personal use. Individuals must adhere to the following requirements:

  • there must be no effect on our stations, staff, or operations
  • additional camera equipment (specifically flash/reflectors and tripods) are not permitted
  • images clearly identifying or promoting the Metro brand/logos must not be published or broadcast without our permission ahead of time
  • under no circumstances are photos to be taken of Metro employees and passengers without their permission
  • people filming or taking photographs for their own purposes on Metro’s network are responsible for ensuring they comply with any lawful requirements of privacy and data protection legislation.

Permit Activity Types


Stations can be popular meeting places and a natural fit for community activities. Where safe and appropriate, we support community activities that align with at least two of Metro’s community focus areas:

  • Safety – Building community confidence about rail safety to assist people travel safely on our network.
  • Mental health – Supporting awareness, education and caring initiatives related to mental health to improve the wellbeing of Melbournians.
  • Inclusion – Improving the experience of passengers so everyone who uses our network has the same great experience.
  • Involvement – Supporting initiatives that bring communities together to create and enhance the travelling experience for Metro passengers.


  • We only accept requests from not-for-profit organisations, social enterprises, community groups (Commercial permits are available for other entities).
  • Given Metro stations are busy places recurring access and requests for multi-day access is subject to case-by-case review.
  • Due to the volume of activity at city stations, access can be limited.
  • Metro only permits the collection of funds by Metro Fundraising partners for nominated campaigns.
  • We do not facilitate access for individuals.

Application timeframe

  • Activities with 5 or less participants must be submitted a minimum of 10 business days before the date of the proposed activity.
  • Activities exceeding 5 participants must be submitted a minimum of 30 business days before the date of the proposed activity.

Access fees

Community access at Premium stations can be accessed free of charge on the first and third Monday of each month. A fee may be charged at other times.

Community access for non-premium stations is free of charge on any day.

Required documents

  • Public Liability Certificate of Insurance for no less than $20M
  • Safe Working Method Statement (SWMS) or Risk Assessment*
  • Full equipment list*

*Depending on complexity of activity these documents may not be required.

Apply for a Station Access Permit


Use this permit application for commercial activities such as marketing activations (the execution of campaigns, events, and experiences that generate brand awareness), profit-making, or business operations.  Some commercial activities may have restrictions.


  • Given Metro stations are busy places recurring access and requests for multi-day access is subject to case-by-case review.
  • Due to the volume of activity at city stations, access can be limited.
  • We do not facilitate access for individuals.

Application timeframe

  • Activities with 5 or less participants must be submitted a minimum of 10 business days before the date of the proposed activity.
  • Activities exceeding 5 participants must be submitted a minimum of 30 business days before the date of the proposed activity.

Access fees

See Fees Schedule at bottom of this page.

Required documents

  • Public Liability Certificate of Insurance for no less than $20M
  • Safe Working Method Statement (SWMS) or Risk Assessment*
  • Full equipment list*

*Depending on complexity of activity these documents may not be required.

Apply for a Station Access Permit

Filming and photography

A station access permit is required for Commercial TV, promotional or educational video, print/media/digital and images taken for sale or for marketing purposes. This includes filming and photography undertaken by government agency or an agency on behalf of a government agency for passenger campaigns.

Application timeframe

  • Activities with less than 5 participants application must be submitted a minimum of 10 business days before the date of the proposed activity.
  • Activities exceeding 5 participants applications must be submitted a minimum of 30 business days before the date of the proposed activity.

Exclusive access areas

We have two stations which may be accessed exclusively when not in use:

  • Flemington Station
  • Showgrounds Station

Specialised staff may be required; for example, Metro electricians or a train driver, which are not included as standard and will incur a fee.

A train can be hired for exclusive use, for a fee. This requires a minimum of 40 working days’ notice. Exclusive use of a train can only be used in conjunction with Flemington or Showgrounds Stations when these stations are not in public use. Due to operational requirements the train type cannot be guaranteed and is subject to the discretion of Metro.

The fee for exclusive use of a train will be determined following the application being made.

Filming on trains

It is not possible to film on a train.

Filming in a driver’s cab

It is not possible under any circumstances to film inside a driver’s cab.

Filming overnight

With sufficient advance notice, it may be possible to film between the hours of 01:00-04:00 when stations are closed to the public, and if there are no planned works at the location you want to use.

This does not apply to Friday or Saturday nights as the Night Network operates continuously.

Please note that filming during these hours will require additional fees/charges as specific staffing and other resources are required as well as a more detailed risk assessment.

Fees supplied on request.

Access fees

See Fees Schedule at bottom of this page.

Required documents

  • Public Liability Certificate of Insurance for no less than $20M
  • Detailed story board and/or run sheet*
    You will need to have your script or layout approved by Metro before a permit is granted. For feature films, scene scripts and/or storyboards are acceptable. Permits will generally not be considered if a script or layout breaches or contradicts Metro policies, marketing campaigns or contains any of our content restrictions.
  • Full equipment list*
  • We do not permit flash photography or additional lighting unless you are using an exclusive station.
  • Tripods are only authorised at the discretion of operational staff and are not allowed on station platforms or near escalators for safety reasons.

*Depending on complexity of activity these documents may not be required.

Apply for a Station Access Permit
Student filming and photography projects

We support students engaged in filming and photography projects as part of their university or secondary education coursework. Projects that involve creating videos or capturing images to fulfill assignments, projects, or research requirements within academic disciplines like media studies, visual arts, journalism, or communications.

The following directions must be observed on the network to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

At all times, you must abide by these directions:

  • When at the station, ensure everyone remains behind the yellow line.
  • Always mind the gap between the train and the platform.
  • If anything falls onto the train tracks do not attempt to retrieve the equipment. Alert Station staff immediately.
  • Any Hi-Vis vests worn must be orange. No red or green clothing to worn.
  • All participants must have a valid MYKI.
  • There must be less than 5 participants.
  • Localised impact and short duration (maximum one activity, one station, one day duration).
  • No or low impact to stations, staff, operations, passengers and other members of the public.
  • Equipment does not exceed one handheld camera.

Do not:

  • Use artificial lighting or reflector equipment on the station platform. This is prohibited.
  • Film a train on its approach.
  • Film “talent” boarding or exiting a train
  • Film or capture images on trains, escalators, or stairs.
  • Run or undertake unsafe behaviour in the station precinct.
  • Impede passenger traffic or delay train services.
  • Capture images of station staff or passengers. This is prohibited.

Note: Any variation to approved script/storyboard/brief will result in the approved permit being cancelled immediately.

Application timeframe

Activities must be submitted a minimum of 10 business days before the date of the proposed activity.

Required documents

  • Detailed story board and/or run sheet.
    You will need to have your script or layout approved by Metro before a permit is granted. For feature films, scene scripts and/or storyboards are acceptable. Permits will generally not be considered if a script or layout breaches or contradicts Metro policies, marketing campaigns or contains any of our content restrictions.
  • Letter from subject coordinator stating project details.
  • Proof of enrolment at a registered educational institution.
  • Public Liability Certificate of Insurance for no less than $20M from educational institution.
  • Any filming/photography by students under the age of 18, require supervision. An email/letter from the supervising adult and copy of the supervising adults ID is required.


  • We do not facilitate access for individuals.
  • Applications that don’t include all required documents will not be reviewed and will be declined. Any future permit applications submitted under the same conditions will similarly be declined.
Apply for a Station Access Permit
Metro Site Access Permit

Visit Metro Site Access for the following types of activities:

  • inspections
  • investigations and surveys
  • Local and State Government projects
  • construction activities within or adjacent to railway land (including private development)
  • installation, maintenance, decommissioning or any alteration of third party assets and infrastructure.
Apply for a Metro Site Access Permit

Permit Forms

At our stations

Access times

Our stations are available during the following times:

  • Monday to Friday access: 11:00-14:00 and 20:00-24:00
  • Weekend access: generally, any time of day (depending on location and other activity e.g.: special events or maintenance)

Student Access Times

Access to our stations for student filming is available daily from 11:00 – 14:00, for maximum of a 3-hour period.

Note: Given Metro stations are busy places recurring access is not permitted and requests for multi-day access is strictly limited.


Most stations and their immediate surrounds are available under specified conditions.

The following stations are subject to a case-by-case review:

  • Flinders Street
  • Melbourne Central
  • Flagstaff
  • Parliament
  • Richmond
  • South Yarra
  • Caulfield
  • Footscray

All requests for Southern Cross are managed via Southern Cross Station directly. Visit: Southern Cross Station.

Due to the large number of major works projects on our network, some locations may not be available for extended periods as works take place. Keep up to date with upcoming planned works here.

Applicants are reminded that unless they have exclusive use of an area, approved in advance, normal operational activities will continue. This will include announcements over the PA system, passenger movements and cleaning activity. Activities will not be paused to accommodate filming.

Premium Stations

City Loop Stations

  • Flinders Street
  • Melbourne Central
  • Flagstaff
  • Parliament

Interchange Stations

  • Richmond
  • Footscray
  • South Yarra
  • North Melbourne
  • Caulfield

Suburban Stations

  • Auburn
  • Balaclava
  • Blackburn
  • Box Hill
  • Burnley
  • Camberwell
  • Canterbury
  • Clayton
  • Clifton Hill
  • Collingwood
  • Dandenong
  • East Malvern
  • East Richmond
  • Essendon
  • Glen Waverley
  • Glenferrie
  • Hawthorn
  • Heidelberg
  • Huntingdale
  • Ivanhoe
  • Jolimont
  • Kensington
  • Malvern
  • Mt Waverley
  • Oakleigh
  • Reservoir
  • Ringwood
  • Southland
  • Springvale
  • Toorak
  • West Richmond
  • Windsor
Station Safety Protocols
  • All participants are to adhere to safety protocols and the direction of station staff.
  • Any performances/activities are to occur at the agreed set up area or as directed by station staff, strictly no performances/activities on or near station platforms.
On Platform Safety Protocols

The following directions must be observed on the network to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.

At all times, you must abide by these guidelines and take direction from station staff.

  • When at the station, ensure everyone remains behind the yellow line.
  • Always mind the gap between the train and the platform.
  • The use of artificial lighting or reflector equipment on the station platform is prohibited.
  • There is to be no filming of a train approaching.
  • Any equipment used on platforms must be weighted or otherwise secured to ensure that it does not lift or slide.
  • If anything falls onto the train tracks no attempt to retrieve the equipment must be made. Station staff be alerted immediately.
  • Any Hi-Vis vests worn must be orange.
  • No red or green clothing to be worn.
  • Activities should not impede passenger traffic or delay train services.
  • Images of station staff and passengers are not to be used.
  • No filming/photography of “talent” boarding a train.
  • No filming/photography on trains.
  • No filming/photography on escalators or stairs.
Car Parks

Unfortunately, we are unable to allocate carpark spaces at our stations for purposes other than passenger use.

Flyers and Brochures

The distribution of brochures/pamphlets/handouts or postcards is prohibited. The use of QR codes is preferred.


The display of posters at stations is not permitted unless associated with an approved Metro or transport related marketing campaign or initiative. Any posters displayed without permission will be taken down.

If your application includes a request to remove posters or signage from station poster cases or walls, Metro must approve this in advance and a fee may be charged for removal and restoration.

Essential operational signage e.g. emergency signage, must not be removed in any circumstances.

Electrical supply access

For safety reasons we ask film crews to use battery-operated equipment.

The use of petrol or diesel generators is prohibited.

The use of Metro power supply is prohibited.

Content and subject restrictions

In accordance with Metro regulations, the following are not allowed to be filmed or photographed within our station precincts with no exceptions:

  • Vandalism or graffiti
  • Assaults on passengers or staff
  • Suicides
  • Fare evasion or ticket touting
  • Use of firearms or weapons
  • Drinking or carrying open containers of alcohol
  • Misuse of escalators or property
  • Unlicensed busking
  • Begging
  • Smoking, e-cigarettes, vapes or the use of illegal drugs
  • Behaving in an overtly sexual or indecent manner (including nudity)
  • Direct threats (including terrorist) to Metro, its staff or passengers
  • Anything that may negatively affect the Metro brand, the brands of associated entities or government brands
  • Anything associated with commercial outcomes for private interest.

We will refuse permit applications which include activities that breach or contradict Metro regulations or may impact on the public perceptions of safe behaviours on the rail network.

Under no circumstances are photos to be taken of Metro staff without their permission.

Southern Cross Station activity

All request for Southern Cross are managed via Southern Cross Station directly. Visit: Southern Cross Station


Fees schedule to film at Metro locations
  • Unless indicated, all prices are exclusive of GST.
  • Fees are applied in 2-hourly increments based on time of arrival on site.
  • Prices are subject to change pending details on application.
  • Metro reserves the right to charge fees for more complex applications or where additional resources may be needed to allow approval of the permit.
  • Filming that is deemed as ‘commercial’ and/or is determined to have high impact will incur a fee.
  • Students, existing Metro stakeholders, community groups and local councils, in most cases, are exempt from these fees.
  • The applicable fee will be determined and communicated to the applicant following review of the application.

Cast and crew size 1-5 people (non-refundable)

  • $500 per hour (weekdays)
  • $650 per hour (weekends) minimum 2 hours

Cast and crew size 6-15 people (non-refundable)

  • $800 per hour (weekdays)
  • $1100 per hour (weekends) minimum 2 hours

Cast and crew size greater than 15

To be determined by Metro.

Additional fees apply for medium to high impact film shoots based on the scope of the request

Exclusive use of Flemington or Showgrounds Stations

  • $3,700 per hour
  • Minimum 4 hours

Exclusive use of train (must be booked in conjunction with an exclusive station booking)

  • $4,000 per hour
  • Minimum 4 hours

Late fee. Non-refundable.

Late fee at the discretion of Metro – should an application be requested to be approved within the 10 business day period.

  • $1,000

How to pay

A 50% deposit must be made in advance 10 days prior to the day of the activity. The final 50% payment is due 4 days prior to the activity, along with any additional fees/hours that may have been incurred.

Metro reserves the right to prohibit any activity where payment has not been received.

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