Railway stations are popular places for activities that connect the community to the railway and bring the surrounds to life.
To access a station or its surrounds, you may need a permit. Safety is our number one priority at Metro, and permit requests are assessed thoroughly.
It’s essential that you submit a permit application as far in advance as possible, including detailed information and the necessary documentation.
Granting permits enables us to uphold the safety of our passengers, employees, third parties, and the public, while minimising operational and safety risks.
We allow individuals ‘passing through’ stations to take photographs or film for personal use. Individuals must adhere to the following requirements:
Stations can be popular meeting places and a natural fit for community activities. Where safe and appropriate, we support community activities that align with at least two of Metro’s community focus areas:
Community access at Premium stations can be accessed free of charge on the first and third Monday of each month. A fee may be charged at other times.
Community access for non-premium stations is free of charge on any day.
*Depending on complexity of activity these documents may not be required.
Use this permit application for commercial activities such as marketing activations (the execution of campaigns, events, and experiences that generate brand awareness), profit-making, or business operations. Some commercial activities may have restrictions.
See Fees Schedule at bottom of this page.
*Depending on complexity of activity these documents may not be required.
A station access permit is required for Commercial TV, promotional or educational video, print/media/digital and images taken for sale or for marketing purposes. This includes filming and photography undertaken by government agency or an agency on behalf of a government agency for passenger campaigns.
We have two stations which may be accessed exclusively when not in use:
Specialised staff may be required; for example, Metro electricians or a train driver, which are not included as standard and will incur a fee.
A train can be hired for exclusive use, for a fee. This requires a minimum of 40 working days’ notice. Exclusive use of a train can only be used in conjunction with Flemington or Showgrounds Stations when these stations are not in public use. Due to operational requirements the train type cannot be guaranteed and is subject to the discretion of Metro.
The fee for exclusive use of a train will be determined following the application being made.
It is not possible to film on a train.
It is not possible under any circumstances to film inside a driver’s cab.
With sufficient advance notice, it may be possible to film between the hours of 01:00-04:00 when stations are closed to the public, and if there are no planned works at the location you want to use.
This does not apply to Friday or Saturday nights as the Night Network operates continuously.
Please note that filming during these hours will require additional fees/charges as specific staffing and other resources are required as well as a more detailed risk assessment.
Fees supplied on request.
See Fees Schedule at bottom of this page.
*Depending on complexity of activity these documents may not be required.
Apply for a Station Access PermitWe support students engaged in filming and photography projects as part of their university or secondary education coursework. Projects that involve creating videos or capturing images to fulfill assignments, projects, or research requirements within academic disciplines like media studies, visual arts, journalism, or communications.
The following directions must be observed on the network to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.
At all times, you must abide by these directions:
Do not:
Note: Any variation to approved script/storyboard/brief will result in the approved permit being cancelled immediately.
Activities must be submitted a minimum of 10 business days before the date of the proposed activity.
Visit Metro Site Access for the following types of activities:
Our stations are available during the following times:
Student Access Times
Access to our stations for student filming is available daily from 11:00 – 14:00, for maximum of a 3-hour period.
Note: Given Metro stations are busy places recurring access is not permitted and requests for multi-day access is strictly limited.
Most stations and their immediate surrounds are available under specified conditions.
The following stations are subject to a case-by-case review:
All requests for Southern Cross are managed via Southern Cross Station directly. Visit: Southern Cross Station.
Due to the large number of major works projects on our network, some locations may not be available for extended periods as works take place. Keep up to date with upcoming planned works here.
Applicants are reminded that unless they have exclusive use of an area, approved in advance, normal operational activities will continue. This will include announcements over the PA system, passenger movements and cleaning activity. Activities will not be paused to accommodate filming.
City Loop Stations
Interchange Stations
Suburban Stations
The following directions must be observed on the network to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone.
At all times, you must abide by these guidelines and take direction from station staff.
Unfortunately, we are unable to allocate carpark spaces at our stations for purposes other than passenger use.
The distribution of brochures/pamphlets/handouts or postcards is prohibited. The use of QR codes is preferred.
The display of posters at stations is not permitted unless associated with an approved Metro or transport related marketing campaign or initiative. Any posters displayed without permission will be taken down.
If your application includes a request to remove posters or signage from station poster cases or walls, Metro must approve this in advance and a fee may be charged for removal and restoration.
Essential operational signage e.g. emergency signage, must not be removed in any circumstances.
For safety reasons we ask film crews to use battery-operated equipment.
The use of petrol or diesel generators is prohibited.
The use of Metro power supply is prohibited.
In accordance with Metro regulations, the following are not allowed to be filmed or photographed within our station precincts with no exceptions:
We will refuse permit applications which include activities that breach or contradict Metro regulations or may impact on the public perceptions of safe behaviours on the rail network.
Under no circumstances are photos to be taken of Metro staff without their permission.
All request for Southern Cross are managed via Southern Cross Station directly. Visit: Southern Cross Station
Cast and crew size 1-5 people (non-refundable)
Cast and crew size 6-15 people (non-refundable)
Cast and crew size greater than 15
To be determined by Metro.
Additional fees apply for medium to high impact film shoots based on the scope of the request
Exclusive use of Flemington or Showgrounds Stations
Exclusive use of train (must be booked in conjunction with an exclusive station booking)
Late fee. Non-refundable.
Late fee at the discretion of Metro – should an application be requested to be approved within the 10 business day period.
How to pay
A 50% deposit must be made in advance 10 days prior to the day of the activity. The final 50% payment is due 4 days prior to the activity, along with any additional fees/hours that may have been incurred.
Metro reserves the right to prohibit any activity where payment has not been received.
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