Energy Efficiency
Energy Efficiency
Rail transport is one of the most efficient, with energy and greenhouse gas emissions intensity, measured in per person km, one of the most sustainable transport modes.
The rail network is also an efficient transport mode in terms of land use as shown in the below analysis by Institute of Sensible Transport 2018
To continue to improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, we are working to identify and implement opportunities for an energy efficient network and a lower carbon future.
Completed projects include the installation of efficient LED lighting at Metro’s train maintenance depots, in the Comeng train fleet and some stations and train sidings.
Fourteen stations in the Melbourne rail network had solar panel systems installed on their rooftops generating renewable energy. Metro are now assessing their performance and will baseline the case for further use of solar energy at other stations.
Metro Trains reports on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions to The Clean Energy Regulator annually for National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting.

Comeng train fleet gets LED lighting upgrades to reduce energy consumption

Replacing high energy consumption lighting with LED lighting provides significant energy savings. The LED lights also offer a longer service life which in turn reduces waste.
Metro Trains have replaced the current saloon type lighting with LED lighting on136 Comeng train units. This switch to LED reduced power requirements by up to 60 per cent which represented a reduction of 3,570 MWh in energy consumption.
This simple initiative also improved light levels with positive impact on our passenger experience, operations and the environment.
Limited trials of LED lighting is now being conducted on the Siemens Nexas and X’Trapolis train fleets. LED lighting has also replaced high bay lighting at Craigieburn, Epping, Westall, Bayswater and North Melbourne depots. Upgrades to LED lighting in elevated pit roads are also underway.
These improvement have contributed an estimated savings of 50 per cent energy consumption across Metro’s rolling stock facilities. As train depots operate 24 hours 7 days a week, using more efficient lighting devices delivers big energy savings and a reduction in maintenance work.