Enhanced train cleaning measures to keep people safe
Enhanced train cleaning measures to keep people safe

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold, Metro has stepped up the cleaning of trains to keep passengers and employees safe.
On the expert advice of the Department of Health and Human Services, Metro has activated new cleaning protocols.
The enhanced cleaning regime, now in effect, means that all Metro trains undergo nightly sanitation, with touch surfaces wiped down and entire carriages and drivers’ cabins sprayed with disinfectant.
Cleaning crews were dispatched to maintenance depots at Epping, Newport, Westall, Bayswater and Craigieburn last week to commence the roll out the new program, which will run indefinitely.
Metro’s General Manager – Rolling Stock Dave Carlton said the new practices are all about keeping people safe during uncertain times.
“We have acted on expert health advice to ramp up the cleaning of every train carriage, every day,” Mr Carlton said.
“We want passengers, employees and the public to have confidence that we are doing our part to protect the community, and ensure that our trains can continue to run for those who depend on them.”
Services across the Metro network continue to run as normal, but passengers are being urged to listen to the advice of the Chief Health Officer and stay at home – and not use public transport – if they are unwell.
Passengers are urged to reconsider travelling in peak times to support social distancing, and to top up their myki online to avoid using cash.
Metro also encourages everyone to practice good hygiene by washing hands often with soap and running water, avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth, and covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow.
For more information about the response to COVID-19, visit transport.vic.gov.au/coronavirus-disease-covid-19