Metro celebrates mighty milestone achievements
Metro celebrates mighty milestone achievements
Metro has celebrated its first female 50-years service milestone, along with a host of other impressive achievements on Friday night.
The annual Milestones dinner hosted these employees along with special guests from Government, rail industry and external stakeholders.
More than 380 employees who have reached significant service milestones between 1 July 2023 and 30 June 2024 attended the event at Melbourne’s Crown Palladium, along with Minister for Public and Active Transport Gabrielle Williams, Metro’s executive team and board of directors.

The event is an opportunity for Metro colleagues to recognise team members who have clocked up more than 15 years of service in Melbourne’s railways, including CEO Raymond O’Flaherty, who is celebrating his 15th year.
“I would like to thank my dedicated colleagues for their years of service to the railways and our community,” Raymond said.
“Public transport provides great careers for our people and their wonderful contributions have kept our city moving every day.”
Special recognition was given to seven members of the Metro team who have worked on Melbourne’s railways for 50 years. Eleni Scott, Philip Sutcliffe, David Bennett, Gerard Warren, Lou Randello, Joe Debono and Dale Blackburn have spent their careers in the railways, starting in the late 60s and early 70s.
Eleni is the first woman to have achieved this significant milestone, made even more special because her late husband served 54 years working in rail.
When they started, the network looked very different to what it does today – well before the Melbourne Underground Rail Loop (City Loop) was built, level crossings were removed, and works on the new Metro Tunnel kicked off.
Such longevity is not common in other industries, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Of the 14 million people employed in Australia in February 2024, over half had been in their role for less than five years, and 19 per cent had been in their role for less than one year.
Metro employees’ average length of service is almost 10 years.
We thank all the wonderful Metro staff who have played a part in moving Melbourne over the years.