Metro Site Access

Working Near or Within the Metro Trains Railway Network
The Victorian Metropolitan passenger rail network is maintained and operated by Metro Trains Melbourne (MTM).
There are many risks and unique conditions associated with working near an active railway network. As an accredited Rail Transport Operator (RTO) and Rail Infrastructure Maintainer (RIM), MTM is duty bound to safely manage its network in compliance with Rail Safety National Law, and as set out within a defined Safety Management System (SMS).
Any Third Party works that have the potential to interface or cause impact to MTM’s network must be reviewed and approved by MTM’s Metro Site Access team prior to commencement of any works.
Examples of the types of Third Party works that MTM can provide interface support services includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Inspections, investigations and surveys
- Local and State Government projects
- Construction activities within or adjacent to railway land (including private development)
- Installation, maintenance, decommissioning or any alteration of third party assets and infrastructure
Metro Site Access Process
Site Access Considerations
Prior to requesting access and submitting your application, it is important to understand the nature of your project. Should your project involve the installation or alteration of any non-rail assets/infrastructure, or any amendment to land, lease or license arrangements within the MTM (Metro Trains Melbourne) Network, you will first need to apply for and obtain VicTrack approval.
For more information please download the Metro Site Access Process Workflow.
Site Access Application Submission
To lodge an access request to the MTM Network, you will be required to complete a Site Access Application.
Application submissions will need to include the following information:
- Applicant Details
- Location of Access Details
- Potential Impact on and/or interface with the Rail
- Access and Construction Methodology
- Relevant Design Documentation
- Safeworking Information
- Environmental Information
- Applicable Insurances
- Any Asset Installation Details
- Upfront lodgment fee to be paid
MTM Engagement and Review Process
Upon submission of an access request, MTM will complete an initial assessment of the application and provide guidance of the applicable MTM requirements. Depending on the project nature, this may involve any or all of the following:
- Safety assurance – risk assessments and change management
- Engineering assurance – technical design reviews, Engineering Change, Standard Waivers and Type Approvals
- Construction assurance – construction and safety documentation reviews, site management, rail permits and approvals
- Rail Network disruptions – Track Occupation planning, compliance with MTM Works Readiness process, coordination of rail asset isolations and/or outages
- Project Completions assurance – review and processing of rail As-Built designs, coordination and management of rail asset data updates, completion of project close-out processes.
MTM will issue a Site Access Deed (SAD) or other appropriate agreement outlining associated MTM fee/s for providing interface support services and to cover MTM liabilities associated with the site access request.
MTM will commence processing the application upon execution of the SAD (or other agreement) and receipt of payment for applicable fee/s.
Site Access Approval
Once all design, safety and construction assurance processes have been successfully completed, MTM will issue a Site Access Approval Notice (SAAN) for the approved scope and access period.
If access needs to be expended past the approved SAAN dates, MTM is to be notified of the required extension and a subsequent SAAN can then be issued.
MTM Works Readiness Process
MTM has implemented a Works Readiness process that involves the planning, management and monitoring of work packages during select complex activities that have the potential to pose risk to the network safety and train operations.
The Works Readiness process must be followed if your works involve any of the following:
- Installing of a new rail asset or modification of an existing rail asset within the MTM network
- Commissioning a rail asset within the MTM network
- A Rail Network Disruption
Site Access Fees
- MTM reserves the right to review and make changes to fees and pricing overtime
- The above pricing captures the minimum fees for each Access Type and is reflective of the level of effort required for MTM to process the access requests
- Should there be any change to scope or access requirements that were not captured in the original request, MTM reserves the right to review costs and apply additional charge/s
- The above pricing does not include any allowance for:
- The provision of site assistance, rail safe working personnel and MTM Infrastructure resource support
- Rail asset isolations
- Track Occupation requirements
- If additional MTM involvement is required the Applicant must pay MTM’s additional costs associated with the access request
- Requests for access extension will incur additional cost.
- For any Category 5 projects, the scope of works will be reviewed and a customised cost estimate will be prepared based on the intended scope of works.
- The upfront fee is non-refundable. In the rare instances that this may be considered, the refund amount will exclude the Stripe processing fee. This is strictly non-refundable.
Complete your Site Access request
More Information
MSA Process
For Access to Metro Trains documents
Metro Trains Document Portal
For further information please contact us