Buses replace trains on sections of the Mernda Line

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Buses replace trains on sections of the Mernda Line

From 8.35pm Wednesday 5 May to 9pm Friday 7 May

Buses replace trains between Parliament/Clifton Hill and Reservoir

From 9pm Friday 7 May to last service Sunday 9 May

Buses replace trains between Clifton Hill and Epping

Note, buses also replace trains between Clifton Hill and Mernda from 1.30am to 4am Saturday 8 May

From Monday 10 May to last service Tuesday 11 May

Buses replace trains between Parliament/Clifton Hill and Reservoir

Allow extra travel time
Bicycles, surfboards and dogs are not allowed on train replacement buses.

For more up to date info closer to works visit ptv.vic.gov.au or call 1800 800 007.