Seeing Eye Dogs Australia hosts a sensory experience for Metro employees
Seeing Eye Dogs Australia hosts a sensory experience for Metro employees

Every day, Metro’s goal is to help everyone get to where they need to go – and that means making the rail network as accessible as possible.
To mark International Day of People with Disability, 30 Metro employees recently visited Seeing Eye Dogs Australia’s (SEDA) Leigh Garwood Mobility Training Centre in Kensington for a unique opportunity to experience navigating the transport environment with simulated low vision or blindness.
Under the supervision of SEDA staff, the Metro team was blindfolded and led through replacement bus stops as well as a mock train to understand the challenges of travelling during planned rail disruptions.
The Metro team also had an opportunity to meet some of SEDA’s furrier employees, visiting the puppy centre where the next generation of Seeing Eye Dogs is being trained.
Seven News was there to capture the experience.