An Exchange of Ideas with Rail Industry
An Exchange of Ideas with Rail Industry
Metro was privileged to demonstrate how We Move Melbourne at AusRAIL PLUS 2023.
Over 200 organisations exhibited at Asia Pacific’s largest rail industry event, including MTR. CEO Raymond O’Flaherty said it was an excellent showcase for all contributors.
“It was an interesting and informative few days, not only to see what is happening across our industry, but also to see how well our Metro people and activities stack up against our peers.
“I couldn’t be prouder of our efforts and achievements,” he said.

Other speakers and contributors from Metro include General Manager Infrastructure Jasper Milligan, Head of Governance Kelly Douglas, Head of Disruptions Planning Luke Billingham, Electrical Networks Delivery Manager Stephen Chambers, Human Factors and Integration Change Lead Maria Appel, Rail Systems Design Coordinator Ravi Murty and Relief Signaller Jude Manuel.
AusRAIL PLUS featured local and international speakers, panel discussions and technical sessions on such topics as diversity, signalling, passenger rail, technology and safety.