
Metro’s Accessibility Action Plan 2022-2024

Metro’s Accessibility Action Plan (AAP) sets out our accessibility and inclusion vision for the network and our workplace. It explains what actions we will take right across the business to reach our accessibility goals.

Why an Accessibility Action Plan is important

Metro plays a vital role in connecting people and places in Melbourne, and this connection is for everyone. We want a network that is easy to use, where all our passengers feel confident and respected. We want to exceed our minimum obligations and build a service that is inclusive, bringing independence and choice to all passengers. An Accessibility Action Plan shows our passengers and employees how we plan to do this.

Our vision

Our accessibility and inclusion vision is influenced by the voice and needs of passengers, including Metro’s dedicated Accessibility Reference Group. Developed over a series of workshops, the AAP captures four priority areas that aim to improve the experiences of our passengers and employees.

Priority One: Confident and informed passengers. Passengers know what to expect before leaving home. There is choice in the way they plan their journey and receive information. When things don't go to plan, they know how to seek out the information or assistance they need.  Priority Two: Our people. People with disabilities will have access to opportunities within Metro and our people are empowered to support an inclusive workplace. Our team understand their role at Metro can impact accessibility and are equipped with the right knowledge, in the right format.Priority Three: Connected to community. We build partnerships that help us shape a network that is representative of the communities we serve. Our stakeholders are consulted and included. We influence community awareness and empathy through targeted engagement.  Priority Four: A network built for everyone. Our stations and trains are for everyone. We consider the needs of all passengers and work with the State to get the best outcomes. We bring continuous improvement and innovation to the experience of our passengers.

How we’re going to get there

The AAP sets out actions that will help us meet the four priority objectives. It outlines how our business units will work together to improve passenger experience, enhance our workplace, and positively influence the broader community.

Want to know more?

You can read the full AAP in PDF and Word format.

We have also published an Easy Read version in PDF and Word (text only) format, which presents a summary of the AAP in a way that is very easy to understand.

Previous plan

You can also read Metro’s 2019-21 Accessibility Action Plan in PDF and Word format.

Response to exemptions granted by the Australian Human Rights Commission

In June 2022, the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) granted temporary exemptions to certain members of the Australasian Railway Association in relation to various provisions of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (Cth) and the Disability (Access to Premises – Buildings) Standards 2010 (Cth). You can read this 2023 document and this 2024 document prepared in response to reporting requirements.

More questions?

Look for a Metro employee, visit or call 1800 800 007.

Further information about more specific accessibility needs and transport can be found at: